discover the immense capacity of your mind

method ikaro®

The ikaro® Method The brain works like a computer, you can't even imagine the similarity it has with technology, the human being is still not aware of the potential of the brain, there is no physical technology today that surpasses the human being, the ikaro method It is introduced into the system to reprogram your mind, the brain is the PC, the mind is the program.

  • The most important thing about the method

The changes are quick and effective: they begin to be perceived immediately and the problem is eliminated at its roots, always achieving a positive and permanent result over time.

ikaro® is right for you, if you are interested in improving your physical health and your psychological and emotional well-being.

Blockages in other areas of life are also successfully addressed: relationships, finances, studies, problems at work, school bullying, among others.

metodo ikaro® es una herramienta poderosa de transformacion

El metodo ikaro® fusiona la terapia del enfoque en los programas que queremos eliminar con el potenciador, limpiador y transformafor uso de las Plantas de Poder para conseguir una verdadera transfomracion del ser.

  • How does it work?

We have a lot of knowledge about programming a mobile phone, installing new programs and deleting those that we no longer use, but we do not dedicate nor do we know the system of our own psyche to modify our own programs and every mental program can be deprogrammed if you have the will.

In addition to obtaining a significant improvement in these areas, by being informed of the causes of your symptoms, you become more aware and responsible for the programs and emotions that determine your reality, which allows you to have an additional boost in your personal growth.

ikaro® method is a powerful transformation tool

The ikaro® method merges the therapy of focusing on the programs that we want to eliminate with the enhancer, cleanser and transformer using Power Plants to achieve a true transformation of the being.

What am I going to experiment with the technique?

By releasing and allowing repressed emotions to surface and transforming existing mental patterns, the person may experience sensations of energy, warmth, tingling or tickling, which vary depending on the unique sensitivity of each individual.

What does a Retreat consist of with this new technique?

The Retreats using this method are based on numerous experiences lived at the Holistic Center and through the Association of International Ancestral Medicines. We have collected information to perfect this technique and make the Retreat more effective and transformative.

Synergy of the iKaro® method with Millennial Medicines

The Synergy of the Ikaro® Method with the enhancer of the Millennial Medicines creates a transformation of (being) difficult to achieve in such a short time and in such an effective and sustained way over time.

Who is this method intended for?

By releasing and allowing repressed emotions to surface and transforming existing mental patterns, the person may experience sensations of energy, warmth, tingling or tickling, which vary depending on the unique sensitivity of each individual.

The Synergy of the Ikaro® Method with the enhancer of the Millennial Medicines creates a transformation of (being) difficult to achieve in such a short time and in such an effective and sustained way over time.

Synergy of the iKaro® method with Millennial Medicines

By focusing on the participant, this approach relegates tradition to the background.

Ikaro® Method Retreat participants will be the agents of change throughout the retreat. We will carry out prior preparation to identify the programs that we want to eliminate in the psyche of each individual.

After identifying the programs and having them well located, we will focus on deinstalling them.

We are a perfect machine and creator of energy.

When we remove everything that blocks our energy for what truly interests us, the potential multiplies.

Duration of the Retreat ikaro® Method

The Retreat lasts 3 days and usually takes place from Friday with entry at 7:00 p.m. and departure on Sunday after breakfast.

How many people participate in this Retreat?

Retreats with the ikaro® method will have a capacity of 15 participants with shared rooms and bathrooms in the rooms and next to the rooms.

How many people participate in this Retreat?

Retreats with the ikaro® method will have a capacity of 15 participants with shared rooms and bathrooms in the rooms and next to the rooms.

Next Retreat with the ikaro® Method

From November 22 to 24, 2024

Places limited to 15

Contribution of €490

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